Neural Sensor Switch is out, now what?
I have Second, Third, and the Neutral contacts identified on the first picture on the left This will be important later.



OK now flip the sensor over. See all the white RTV Silicone? It's gotta be removed. I used a dental pick, a set of small scratch awls, and good old elbow grease. It takes awhile, be patient and get as much of it out as you can because you need the room to work. See those black posts in there? That is what you are going to drill out and replace with brass rods. It looks like Suzuki may have had plans for some kind of gear indicator in the past. Who knows, I'm just glad they are there because that saved me from having to figure out exact measurements between the gears! Yea!



Look, I even labeled which posts to drill and which ones not to drill (Hint drill the yellow ones, don't drill the red ones). Heck I even labeled which gear is which; I'm such a nice guy!



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